Immigration and Refugee Rights Movement

Learn more about this social justice movement...

- Shirin Sethi, Grace Chen, Lidia Roca, Rachel Kim, Gabrielle Caldwell, Aisosa Ighile

Get Involved:

Donate to organizations with a mission of helping immigrants and refugees
- The UN Refugee Agency
- The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
- International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Make your voice heard!
- Contact State governments to stop this by investing in rescue operations and immediately
helping immigrants and refugees in need.
- Talk to elected officials about supporting immigrant rights – call the congressional switchboard
at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your representative or senators.
- Attend town hall meetings and voice your support for immigrants and refugees.
- Encourage your elected officials, teachers, principal or superintendent to support
undocumented students.
- Voting for representatives and senators who prioritize the wellbeing of immigrants and
Help immigrants and refugees in need
- National Immigrant Justice Center: Volunteer for Language Services
- Immigration Justice Campaign
- UN Volunteers
- Border Angels
Do your research!
Build your knowledge on the most recent events surrounding the rights on immigrants and
refugees. Learn and find ways to help!